Sext lifestyle has been a huge improvement ever since Snapchat became the most widely used app for private texting. Old fashioned text messengers are long gone now, replaced by powerful feature-rich applications and social media platforms like Snapchat.
Become a sexting pro requires nothing but a Snapchat account. Simply install the application and start implementing these powerful yet easy-to-follow tips.
Video Instead of a Snap
Receiving a nice cheerful selfie on your Snapchat messenger seems enticing but nothing seems to beat a nicely shot video! Pick up your phone and shoot a video of yours saying anything you wish to. Make sure you use an appropriate tone so as to instantly seduce the person on the other end!
Waiting for Sexting Consent
Instantly jumping into sexting with your crush or a new snap friend can hamper your friendship while causing equal damage to your reputation. You must have consented to sext before you bombard the other person with your personal nudies. This becomes a lot more important if your Snap buddy is new to the world of sexting.
All You Need is a Sexy Selfie
Females take a lot of selfies yet most of their poses are inspired by local celebs, TV shows, etc. That is the reason most of Snapchat nudes you come across appear similar or repetitive. It is important that you figure out your most amazing sexy selfie pose and share it your crush or sext partner. You will be amazed to see his reaction!
That's all you need to start your sext life and soon turn into a pro. Go here if you are new to the world of sexting and wish to find some hot guys/girls using Snapchat.
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